At Tufts

Gianini Morbioli, G.; Baillargeon, K. R.; Kalimashe, V. K.; Zwane, H.; van der Walt, C.; Tierney, A. J.; Mora, A. C.; Goosen, M.; Jagaroo, R.; Brooks, J. C.; Cutler, E.; Hunt, G.; Jordan, M. R.; Tang, A.; Mace, C. R. ChemRxiv (2025).

Colorimetric detection of fentanyl using a supramolecular displacement assay
Mora, A. C.; Vara, M.; Reust, P.; Code, A.; Oliver, P.; Mace, C. R. ACS Sensors, 9, 6, 3198–3204 (2024).

Chappell, T. C.; Maiello, K. G.; Tierney, A. J.; Yanagi, K.; Lee, J. A.; Lee, K.; Mace, C. R.; Bennett, C. S.; Nair, N. U. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 1–14 (2024)

Lawrence, P. T.; Daniels, A. S.; Tierney, A. J.; Sykes, E. C. S.; Mace, C. R. ACS Omega (2024).

Tierney, A. J.; Williamson, K. C.; Stewart, V. A.; Mace, C. R. Analytical Chemistry, 96, 5, 1993–1999 (2024).

Abdullah, I.H.; Wilson, D.J.; Mora, A.C.; Parker, R.W.; Mace, C.R. Lab on a Chip (2023).

Microsampling tools for collecting, processing, and storing blood at the point-of-care
Baillargeon, K.R.; Mace, C.R. Bioengineering and Translational Medicine, e10476 (2022).

Direct Processing and Storage of Cell-free Plasma using Dried Plasma Spot Cards
Baillargeon, K.R.; Gianini Morbioli, G.; Brooks, J.C.; Miljanic, P.R.; Mace, C.R. ACS Measurement Science Au, 2, 5, 457–465 (2022).

Murray, L.P.; Mace, C.R. Analytical Chemistry, 94, 29, 10443–10450 (2022).

Patterned Dried Blood Spot Cards for Improved Sampling of Whole Blood
Baillargeon, K.R.; Brooks, J.C.; Miljanic, P.R.; Mace, C.R. ACS Measurement Science Au, 2, 31–38 (2022).

Developing a SARS-CoV-2 antigen test using engineered affinity proteins
Kim, S.; Yee, E.; Miller, E.A.; Hao, Y.; Tay, D.M.Y.; Sung, K.-J.; Jia, H.; Johnson, J.M.; Saeed, M.; Mace, C.R.; Yuksel Yurt, D.; Sikes, H.D. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 13, 38990–39002 (2021).

Murray, L.P., Govindan, R., Mora, A.C., Munro, J. B., Mace, C.R. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 430, 3695–3706 (2021).

Usability as a guiding principle for the design of paper-based, point-of-care devices – A review
Murray, L.P., Mace, C.R. Analytica Chimica Acta 1140, 236-249 (2020).

High-Yielding Separation and Collection of Plasma from Whole Blood Using Passive Filtration
Baillargeon, K.R., Murray, L.P., Deraney, R.N., Mace, C.R. Analytical Chemistry 92, 16245–16252 (2020).

Opportunities in the synthesis and design of Radioactive Thin Films and Nanoparticles
Coughlin, B.P., Mace, C.R. & Sykes, E.C.J. The Journal of Physical Chemical Letters 11, 4017-4028 (2020).

Open software platform for automated analysis of paper-based microfluidic devices
Parker, R.W., Wilson, D.J. & Mace, C.R. Scientific Reports 10, 1-10. (2020)

Coughlin, B.P., Lawrence, P.T., Lui, I., Luby, C.J., Spencer, D.J., Sykes, E.C.H. & Mace, C.R. Journal of Nanoparticle Research 22, 1-12 (2020)

Baillargeon, K.R., Bricknell, J.R. & Mace, C.R. Analytical Methods 12, 281–287 (2020)

Mabbott, S., Fernandes, S.C., Schechinger, M., Cote, G.L., Faulds, K., Mace, C.R. & Graham, D. Analyst 145, 983–991 (2020).

Overreliance on cost reduction as a featured element of sensor design
Wilson, D.J., Kumar, A.A. & Mace, C.R. ACS Sensors 4, 1120–1125 (2019)
**Listed among the "Most Read Articles" in June 2019.

Brooks, J.C. & Mace, C.R. Journal of Analysis and Testing 3, 50–60 (2019)

Fernandes, S.C., Baillargeon, K.R. & Mace, C.R. Analytical Methods 11, 2057–2063 (2019)

Early hMSC morphology and proliferation on model polyelectrolyte multilayers
Ding, I., Walz, J.A., Mace, C.R. & Peterson, A.M. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 178, 276–284 (2019).

Determination of sample stability for whole blood parameters using formal experimental design
Murray, L.P., Baillargeon, K.R., Bricknell, J.R. & Mace, C.R. Analytical Methods 11, 930–935 (2019).
**Included in the collection of 2019 HOT Articles

Innes-Gold, S.N., Luby, C.J. & Mace, C.R. Langmuir 34, 7673–7680 (2018). [PMID: 29882673]

Walz, J.A. & Mace, C.R. Analytical Chemistry 90, 6572–6579 (2018). [PMID: 29712419]

Thioether-stapled macrocyclic inhibitors of the EH domain of EHD1
Kamens, A.J., Mientkiewics, K.M., Eisert, R.J., Walz, J.A., Mace, C.R., & Kritzer, J.A. Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry 6, 1206–1211 (2018). [PMID: 28951093]

Luby, C.J., Coughlin, B.P. & Mace, C.R. Analytical Chemistry 90, 2103–2110 (2018)

An open software platform for the automated design of paper-based microfluidic devices
DeChiara, N.S., Wilson, D.J. & Mace, C.R. Scientific Reports 7, 16224 (2017). [PMID: 29176646]
**Listed among Top 100 in Chemistry for 2017

Density separation of quiescent yeast using iodixanol
Quasem, I., Luby, C.J., Mace, C.R. & Fuchs, S.M. BioTechniques 63, 169–173 (2017).

Directly photopatternable polythiophene as dual-tone photoresist
Hu, X., Lawrence, J., Mullahoo, J., Smith, Z., Wilson, D.J., Mace, C.R. & Thomas, S.W. Macromolecules 50, 7258–7267 (2017).

Reconfigurable pipet for customized, cost-effective liquid handling
Wilson, D.J. & Mace, C.R. Analytical Chemistry 87, 8656–8661 (2017).

Beyond wicking: Expanding the role of patterned paper as the foundation for an analytical platform
Fernandes, S.C., Walz, J.A., Wilson, D.J., Brooks, J.C. & Mace, C.R. Analytical Chemistry 89, 5654–5664 (2017).
**Listed among the "Most Read Articles" in June 2017

Fabrication of three-dimensional paper-based microfluidic devices for immunoassays
Fernandes, S.C., Wilson, D.J. & Mace, C.R. Journal of Visualized Experiments 121, e55287 (2017)
**Highlighted by “This Month in JoVe"
**Highlighted by JoVE in their “2017 Year in Review” article

Measurement of the hematocrit using paper-based microfluidic devices
Berry, S.B., Fernandes, S.C., Rajaratnam, A., DeChiara, N.S. & Mace, C.R. Lab on a Chip 16, 3689–3594 (2016)
**Highlighted by Chemical & Engineering News
**Highlighted in special RSC Collection on papers by GRC Bioanalytical Sensors 2018 Speakers

Walz, J.A., Lui, I., Wilson, D.J. & Mace, C.R. ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering 2, 1367–1375 (2016).

Fernandes, S.C., Logounov, G.S., Munro, J.B. & Mace, C.R. Analytical Methods 8, 5204–5211 (2016).

A multiplexed, patterned-paper immunoassay for detection of malaria and dengue fever
Deraney, R.N., Mace, C.R.,* Rolland, J.P. & Schonhorn, J.E. Analytical Chemistry 88, 6161–6165 (2016). [PMID: 27186893]

Combining step-gradients and linear gradients in density
Kumar, A.A., Walz, J.A., Gondiac, M., Mace, C.R. & Whitesides, G.M. Analytical Chemistry 87, 6158–6164 (2015). [PMID: 25978093]

Enabling the development and deployment of next-generation point of care diagnostics
Derda, R., Gitaka, J., Klapperich, C.M., Mace, C.R., Kumar, A.A., Lieberman, M., Linnes, J.C., Jores, J., Nasimolo, J., Ndung’u, J., Taracha, E., Weaver, A., Weibel, D.B., Kariuki, T. & Yager, P. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 9, e0003676 (2015). [PMID: 25973602].

A device architecture for three-dimensional, patterned paper immunoassays
Schonhorn, J.E., Fernandes, S.C., Rajaratnam, A., Deraney, R.N., Rolland, J.P. & Mace, C.R. Lab on a Chip 14, 4653–4658 (2014)

Manufacturing prototypes for paper-based diagnostic devices
Mace, C.R. & Deraney, R.N. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 16, 801–809 (2014).
Ge, S., Nemiroski, A., Mirica, K.A., Mace, C.R., Hennek, J.W., Kumar, A.A. & Whitesides, G.M. Magnetic levitation in chemistry, materials science, and biochemistry. Angewandte Chemie International Edition in press (DOI: 10.1002/anie.201903391).
Kumar, A.A., Lim, C., Moreno, Y., Mace, C.R., Syed, A., Van Tyne, D., Wirth, D.F., Duraisingh, M. & Whitesides, G.M. Enrichment of reticulocytes from whole blood using aqueous multiphase systems of polymers. American Journal of Hematology 90, 31–36 (2015). [PMID:25263455] [link]
Yadav, A.S., Mace, C.R. & Miller, B.L. Examining the interactions of the splicing factor MBNL1 with target RNA sequences via a label-free, multiplex method. Analytical. Chemistry 86, 1067–1075 (2014). [PMID:24377303] [link]
Atkinson, M.B.J., Bwambok, D.K., Chen, J., Thuo, M.M., Mace, C.R., Mirica, K.A., Kumar, A.A., Myerson, A. & Whitesides, G.M. Using magnetic levitation to separate mixtures of crystal polymorphs. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 52, 10208–10211 (2013). [PMID:23939940] [link]
Lockett, M.R., Mirica, K.A., Mace, C.R., Blackledge, R. & Whitesides, G.M. Analyzing forensic evidence based on density with magnetic levitation. Journal of Forensic Sciences 58, 40–45 (2013). [PMID:22804094] [link]
Mace, C.R. & Ryan, U.S. A unique approach to business strategy as a means to enable change in global healthcare: A case study. Clinical Chemistry 58, 1302–1305 (2012). [PMID:22532595] [link]
Akbulut, O., Mace, C.R., Martinez, R.V., Kumar, A.A., Nie, Z., Patton, M.R. & Whitesides, G.M. Separation of nanoparticles in aqueous multiphase systems through centrifugation. Nano Letters 12, 4060–4064 (2012). [PMID:22668343] [link]
Mace, C.R., Akbulut, O., Kumar, A.A., Shapiro, N.D., Derda, R., Patton, M.R. & Whitesides, G.M. Aqueous multiphase systems of polymers and surfactants provide self-assembling step-gradients in density. Journal of the American Chemical Society 134, 9094–9097 (2012). [PMID:22594904] [link]
Shapiro, N.D., Mirica, K.A., Soh, S., Phillips, S.T., Taran, O., Mace, C.R., Shevkoplyas, S.S. & Whitesides, G.M. Measuring binding of protein to gel-bound ligands with magnetic levitation. Journal of the American Chemical Society 134, 5637–5646 (2012). [PMID:22364170] [link]
Lee, A., Tang, S.K.Y., Mace, C.R. & Whitesides, G.M. Denaturation of proteins by SDS and tetraalklylammonium dodecylsufates. Langmuir 27, 11560–11574 (2011). [PMID:21834533] [link]
Sriram, R., Yadav, A.R., Mace, C.R. & Miller, B.L. Validation of Arrayed Imaging Reflectometry biosensor response for protein-antibody interactions: cross-correlation of theory, experiment, and complementary techniques. Analytical Chemistry 83, 3750–3757 (2011). [PMID:21517019] [link]
Mace, C.R., Topham, D.J., Mosmann, T.R., Quataert, S.A., Treanor, J.J. & Miller, B.L. Label-free, arrayed sensing of immune response to influenza antigens. Talanta 83, 1000–1005 (2011). [PMID:21147350] [link]
Mirica, K.A., Philips, S.T., Mace, C.R. & Whitesides, G.M. Magnetic levitation in analysis of foods and water. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 58, 6565–6569 (2010). [PMID:20465289] [link]
Cheng, C.-M., Martinez, A.W., Gong, J., Mace, C.R., Phillips, S.T., Carrilho, E., Mirica, K.A. & Whitesides, G.M. Paper-based ELISA. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 49, 4771–4774 (2010). [PMID:20512830] [link]
Mace, C.R., Urdhwareshe, A.S. & Miller, B.L. Investigation of non-nucleophilic additives for the reduction of morphological anomalies in protein arrays. Langmuir 24, 12754–12757 (2008). [PMID:18925757] [link]
Mace, C.R., Striemer, C.C. & Miller, B.L Detection of human proteins using Arrayed Imaging Reflectometry. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 24, 334–337 (2008). [PMID:18599284] [link]
Ross, N.T., Mace, C.R. & Miller, B.L. Biophysical analysis of the EPEC translocated intimin receptor binding domain. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 362, 1073–1078 (2007). [PMID:17825257] [link]
Palde, P.B., McNaughton, B.R., Ross, N.T., Gareiss, P.C., Mace, C.R., Spitale, R.C. & Miller, B.L. Single step synthesis of functional organic receptors via a tridirectional Minisci reaction. Synthesis 15, 2287–2290 (2007). [link]
Mace, C.R., Striemer, C.C. & Miller, B.L. Theoretical and experimental analysis of Arrayed Imaging Reflectometry as a sensitive proteomics technique. Analytical Chemistry 78, 5578–5583 (2006). [PMID:16878898] [link]
Horner, S.R., Mace, C.R., Rothberg, L.J. & Miller, B.L. A proteomic biosensor for enteropathogenic E. coli. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 21, 1659–1663 (2006). [PMID:16154335] [link].